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Things You Should Never Feed Your Dog

28 September 2022

You probably want to feed your dog all the delicious food you eat. However, you should hold off on feeding your furry friend human foods.

Certain foods are detrimental to dogs' health and can lead to many issues. Even if your dog has previously eaten such foods without problems, the food could be causing serious issues over time. You should therefore equip yourself with all the information you can learn about foods your dog should avoid to keep your dog healthy.

The following are a few foods you should never feed your dogs.


The dog's worst food is probably the one you've heard about most often — chocolate. Chocolate contains a stimulant known as theobromine. Every kind of chocolate contains theobromine, but dark chocolate and unsweetened baker's chocolate are particularly potent. 

Although theobromine is not harmful to humans, it is toxic to dogs. The stimulant can cause diarrhea and vomiting. However, in severe cases, theobromine can lead to seizures, increased heart rate, tremors, and even death.


Xylitol is a sugar alcohol used in chewing gums, breath mints, and baked goods as a natural sweetener. Many other products, such as toothpaste and peanut butter, may also contain xylitol. 

Ingestion of xylitol can cause an insulin surge in your dog's body, resulting in a drop in blood sugar levels. Xylitol poisoning can also result in vomiting, inactivity, and lack of coordination in dogs. As the symptoms progress, seizures may occur.

Therefore, you should always check the ingredients of all foods your dog consumes to ensure they don't contain xylitol. 

Onions and Garlic

Allium plants, such as garlic, onions, and leeks, can break down red blood cells in dogs. The result can be anemia in your dog. 

The consumption of large amounts of raw garlic and onions at once is particularly dangerous, as they can cause poisoning. Smaller amounts over a long period can also cause problems.

Symptoms of illness don't always appear immediately and can take a few days before they manifest. Some symptoms include vomiting, weakness, and little appetite.

Therefore, always keep onions and garlic away from your dogs, whether they're powdered, raw, cooked, or dehydrated.


The amount of salt your dog consumes, whether directly from the shaker or from snacks such as pretzels or potato chips, can cause health problems.

Salt intake can lead to increased thirst and urination. Large amounts of salt can cause severe problems, such as tremors, seizures, and sodium ion poisoning. Too much salt can also cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Therefore be aware of how much salt your dog consumes in order to keep the amount to a minimum.

Raw Yeast Dough

You should always bake bread or other items with raw yeast somewhere safe from your dog. When your dog eats raw yeast dough, the yeast can rise in your dog's belly and cause painful bloating. As a result of bloating, your dog's stomach might twist, a condition called gastric-dilation volvulus, which can be a life-threatening emergency. 

As a by-product of fermentation, yeast produces ethanol, which can cause intoxication and alcohol poisoning in your dog.


While avocados may have health benefits for humans, they won't have the same impact on our furry friends. Avocados contain a substance called persin which can be toxic to dogs. The avocado fruit, pits, and leaves contain more persin, and different varieties have different amounts of the compound.

Dogs can experience vomiting and diarrhea as a result of persin. Eating avocado pits can also cause gastrointestinal irritation.

No matter what breed, size, or shape a dog is, they are at risk of ingesting something dangerous. Therefore, ensure your dog eats a diet approved by your vet, or research some healthy foods you can give them.

Contact us today for immediate veterinary care if your pet eats something unsafe.

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